Locations: Salt Lake City, UT, Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV, Provo-Orem, UT, Ogden-Clearfield, UT
Insight Management Consulting
Insight Management Consulting’s mission is to help facilitate change that advances interpersonal, leadership and organizational effectiveness. We have helped government and private sector organizations create lasting behavior change by equipping individuals with the skills needed to be successful.

Insight Management Consulting is a small business headquartered in Maryland with offices in North Carolina and Utah. Established in 2002 by its founder Paul McMurray, their mission has been to help individuals and organizations become and remain vital. They achieve this mission through training and consulting services with a focus on leadership, teamwork, and communications. Led by brothers Paul and David McMurray, Insight Management Consulting has trained and consulted throughout the world. Combined, they have facilitated thousands of workshops throughout North America. In addition to facilitating workshops, they have also certified hundreds of trainers in communication, team building and leadership training programs. Of note, the McMurray Brothers have certified trainers in the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team, now Five Behaviors, and Everything DiSC Workplace from the Wiley suite of training programs. They have also certified facilitators in Personify Leadership, an experiential leadership program that builds upon the Everything DiSC Workplace profile. With their business roots built firmly from the private sector, over the past 10 years they have transitioned to include more clients in the state and federal sector. Some of the industries they have consulted and trained in are: auto and food manufacturing, healthcare, telecom, mining and oil and drilling. Some of their federal clients include the largest agencies in the federal government: Defense, Health and Human Services, Social Security, Department of Veterans Affairs to name a few. In addition to his work in the United States, they have facilitated workshops in Eastern Europe (Budapest, Kosovo and Sarajevo), Malaysia, Trinidad, Canada, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kenya and Senegal. The results of their work have helped individuals at all levels in organizations develop greater internal capacities to understand themselves and how they can be more effective with those they work and interact with. They have helped teams navigate the different stages of team development from forming to adjourning. To sum up their efforts, they have helped leaders create compelling visions for their organizations, align the work with their staff, and create cultures of results and accountability.
The Global Impact of a Powerful Network
10 Million+
Learners -
Organizations -
Countries and 18 Languages -
Authorized Partners -
Global Satisfaction
"When we looked at Wiley and the 35+ years of research-backed assessments, the breadth and depth of the tools, and the training both before and during our induction into the Partnership…That combination and the eco-system of all those things are really what made the decision very easy for us to make.”
Sanel Kostic
Everything DiSC Authorized Partner since 2018