Locations: Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta, GA, Chicago-Naperville-Joliet, IL-IN-WI, Kankakee-Bradley, IL, Lincoln, NE
Prime Alchemy Group
ogether, let's embrace a future where work is fulfilling, and every person goes home whole.
ssion is to empower individuals and teams, ensuring they not only excel professionally but also thrive personally. We are committed to creating transformative experiences that allow people to leave work whole, carrying with them a sense of fulfillment, well-being, and purpose. When our clients go home to their families, they do so with renewed energy, a positive mindset, and a deeper connection to what truly matters. Making this difference in their lives is at the heart of everything we do.
The Global Impact of a Powerful Network
10 Million+
Learners -
Organizations -
Countries and 18 Languages -
Authorized Partners -
Global Satisfaction
"When we looked at Wiley and the 35+ years of research-backed assessments, the breadth and depth of the tools, and the training both before and during our induction into the Partnership…That combination and the eco-system of all those things are really what made the decision very easy for us to make.”
Sanel Kostic
Everything DiSC Authorized Partner since 2018